Monday, 18 July 2022

Rainbow umbrella man

 Spotted at Distorsion - Surush is a Danish performance artist, spinning rainbow umbrella to bring joy for passers by | 

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

We visited the XYZ OPEN CITY - an open source city under Creative Commons license at Kunsthal Aarhus

Original post from Mar 20, 2015

Hurry up - see the Collective Making 01 / Extreme Sharing at Kunsthal Aarhus  this month!

XYZ OPEN City is an open source, modular, low cost system that persons in local communities can use as a tool to implement a wide range of shared functions in public space. It can be used to build anything from urban gardens to fully functional insulated housing.

XYZ is a DIY urban planning tool - an alternative to the top down urban planning that dominates most cities in the world; it is also an alternative to state or private ownership and a revolutionary tool to empower the people and new means of (sustainable) production.

Factory -  a concept for building cities brought by N55. Using aluminum tubes, other light and cheap materials powered by solar energy, and a LEGO like technique of assemblage, it is possible to build your own XYZ city.

Transport - (cargo) bicycles are built to transport people and goods. A structure for mobile housing is available too.

Most architects, urban planners, designers, artists etc. are more than willing to work for the classical concentrations of power despite that these concentrations of power do not necessarily respect the rights of people / persons. The layout and use of urban environments in most places in the world is dictated by the system - governments, policies etc. XYZ OPEN City wants to change this!

:: visit the prototype city at Kunstal ( congrats for the organizers for bringing the 'anarchist' project in a public space)

:: download the manuals provided by N55 under CC licence

Monday, 4 September 2017

Tridimensional Cranium with a Bieber touch in Aarhus

This is an insane mural left after Aarhus Festuge by Grisk we definitely recommend to see yourself.
A post shared by @tschelovek_graffiti on
Famous pop-icon visited it, just so you know this is going hypermainstream :) so... here's the Justin Bieber selfie version of the flip-your-eyes cranium:

Tuesday, 18 April 2017